"This was my first internship experience and I thoroughly enjoyed every second. My goal was to learn about the Chloé and Maud Foundation and the behind the scenes work within the arts community. I would go from assisting Chloé and Maud backstage at NBC's "The Talk" morning show to then visiting Ritter Elementary School in Los Angeles, California. To me, the community work was the most impactful. Many of the children I would work with during these school presentations were low income, do not live in a safe environment, and have deep trauma as 1st-6th graders. As we were presenting to these children, I saw their inner light shine and come out. Many of the teachers were emotionally moved, at times to tears, since they had never before seen such joy expressed by some of their students. The impact of educating and providing experiences for underprivleged youth is immense and being able to help with these efforts this year has truly changed my life. This internship inspired me to continue to give back to my surrounding community. Through this internship I learned from two different perspectives: how to develop as a business and market myself as a dancer, and how to make a significant impact on my surrounding community!"